
How long does it take to learn a new language? How many words do you need to learn? Are languages within the reach of everybody? Which teachers should we avoid?

These are some of the questions you ask yourself when you or your children start to learn a new language. The Word Brain provides the answers.

Download the free PDF (81 pages). A tablet will be fine to read the book. If your children or grandchildren learn a second language, please consider offering them the print edition (available on Amazon for around $10). A book is more than a PDF.

GigaFrench 2016 is a free multimedia fast track course into the heart of French and the French people:

  • Download the free PDF (second edition, 320 pages) and listen to the free audios files
  • Check regularly for new content
  • Come back for the updates in May (420 pages), June (500 pp) and September (700+ pp)

GigaFrench is being updated by Marie de France.

Short Editions, MicroEditions, German, Portuguese, Italian, Serbian, Farsi

Please check also the English Short Edition and the MicroEdition

Full Edition (PDF, 81 pages)
Short Edition (PDF, 10 pages)
MicroEdition (PDF, 1 page)

as well as editions in Spanish, German, Portuguese, Italian, Serbian, and Farsi.

More Free Books

¿Cuánto se tarda en aprender otra lengua? ¿Cuántas palabras hay que aprender? ¿Están los idiomas al alcance de todo el mundo? ¿Qué profesores elegirías y cuáles deberías evitar? Estas son algunas de las preguntas que te planteas al empezar a aprender un idioma nuevo. The Word Brain aporta las respuestas.

Descargar PDF (92 páginas).

Print edition (@ Amazon, $10)

Italian with Elisa (220 pages) - a multimedia language course for the world. Free book, free website, free audios.


The first edition of The Word Brain, published in 2010, was downloaded 168,646 times (Countries | Cities). See the real-time download data for the second edition.